Friday, November 11, 2016


The Fallacy of the Doctrine of Hypostatic Union


The belief that Jesus Christ is God-Incarnate, although unbiblical, gains a large following even today. Proponents of this concept subscribe to a doctrine technically called the Hypostatic Union, meaning that there are two natures - both human and divine, subsisting in one person, the Lord Jesus Christ. For those who accept this formula, Jesus of Nazareth is one and the same person as God and the Son, the Second Person of Trinity. This concept was defined by the Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D. The creed reads:

Following, then, the holy Fathers, we all with one voice teach that it should be confessed that our Lord Jesus Christ is one and the Same Son, the Same perfect Godhead, the Same perfect manhood, truly God and truly man, the Same [consisting] of a rational soul and body; homoousios with the Father as to Godhead, excepted; begotten of the Father before ages as to His Godhead, and in the last days and the same homoousios with us as to his manhood; in all things like unto us, sin only excepted; begotten of the Father before ages as to His Godhead, and in the last days, the Same, for us and for our salvation, of Mary the virgin Theotokos as to his manhood; One and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only begotten, made known in two natures [which exist] without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the difference of the natures having been in no wise taken away by reasons of the union, but rather the properties of each being preserved, and [both] concurring into one Person remained faithful to Chalcedonian orthodoxy. (Microsoft® Encarta® Reference® Library 2003).


The problem with the Chalcedonian concept of Christ is in the fact that the Council in effect merely asserted that Jesus was "truly God and truly man" without attempting to say how such a paradox is possible. Merely to assert that two different natures coexisted in Jesus without confusion, without change, without division, without separation, is to utter a form of words which as yet has no specified meaning. The formula sets before us a "mystery" rather than a "clear and distinct idea." Further, this is not a divine mystery but one that was created by human beings meeting at Chalcedon in present-day Turkey in the mid-fifth century (Hick 1993:48).


If Christ was one individual who was truly God and truly man, then the properties and activities of either the human or the divine nature might with equal truth be attributed to him. If God truly became man, while remaining God, one might say of him that God was born of the Virgin Mary, grew as a child, became an adult, and interestingly, God died on the cross. For some, they were able to accept this impossibility that God died. A Catholic Cathecism reports:

"Because Jesus is one Person who lives in two distinct natures, one can truthfully say of the Son of God whatever is the true of Him in either of His natures. He suffered and died in His human nature, and He is God, and so we may say that God suffered and died. This is literally true..." (Lawler 1976:100)

Catholic and Protestant apologists would go to distance in trying to defend a false doctrine by accepting without any hesitation that the God of the universe died! This position greatly contradicts or truly violates one of the innate attributes of God which is immortality. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 1:17:

"Now the kings of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." (Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition).


The Bible clearly defines the attributes of God. He is immutable or unchanging (Malachi 3:6). The doctrine of Incarnation which means that God took human form: that is, from being a pure spirit, he became flesh and blood; violates the doctrine of God's immutability. The biblical proof that even when Christ was here on earth, God did not change his form and his true nature is clear from the teaching of Christ that God is spirit (John 4:24), a being without flesh and bones (Luke 24:39). Apostle Paul clarified that the eternal God is invisible (1 Timothy 1:17). If it is true that Christ took a human form, the change from being a spirit to human being entailed an enormous change and clearly demonstrates that the so called Incarnation of God is going against the biblical teaching concerning the true nature of God.

Secondly, the Bible teaches that the true God is omniscient or all-knowing (1 John 3:20). If Christ was a God-Man on earth, there should not be any limit to his knowledge since supporters of this doctrine contend that Jesus remained God even though he became a man. If the concept is true, proponents would have to accept that Jesus had two minds, one human and one divine. A perplexing question which becomes a big dilemma for them would be to explain which mind was in control during Christ's early life. Was the human mind conscious that Jesus was God the Son incarnate? Where is the dividing line between the divine mind and human mind? And what does it mean to be divine? Part of the biblical answer is that being divine consist in being the eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and self-existent creator of everything that exists. Was the divine mind in full operation or it took a back seat while human mind was operating?

If the answer would be "both mind were operating simultaneously" then why would Jesus, as God the Son, being omniscient, deny any knowledge of his second coming? (Matthew 24:36 NIV). It would appear then that an all-knowing God lied in the front of his disciples while doing lecture on his second coming. That would make him a pretender and a pathological liar of the highest caliber!

The Bible emphasizes that God is omnipresent or ubiquitous (Psalm 139:8-10). This poses a problem to those who support the idea that Jesus, as a God on earth, exist in heaven as the Second Person of the Trinity due to his being omnipresent God. How could one reconcile this idea with the biblical teaching that Christ had to ascent to heaven and be seated at the right hand of God if he was there previously? The idea of ascension suggests that he was not there yet prior to his ascension. Another intriguing situation that remains unsolved is the idea that if Jesus had a preexistence before his incarnation and dwelt on earth as both human and divine, how can the one undivided self be at once unlimited (in heaven) and limited (on earth)?

When proponents of Chalcedonian creed are shown of biblical records that manifest the apparent construction of a being who is God and yet lack the attributes of God, all that they can do is to offer analogies which fail to reach the key issue, and then appeal to mystery. As one Catholic  author state:

"The Incarnation, for example, is not understood by any moral intelligence. The Incarnation means that God became man. How this was accomplished we do not know...we believe ... not because we understand this mystery..." (Scott: 1927:10).

Thus, even if one were to grant the possibility of God becoming incarnate as a physically human being who is (always or sometimes) conscious of being divine, and thus eternal, omnipotent and omniscient, still this would not be the Jesus of the Bible. If Jesus was God-Man on earth, how would one reconcile the statements of  Christ recorded in the Scriptures that prove his glaring differences with the Father? He emphatically taught that the "Father is greater than I!" (John 14:28). Was he an inferior God compared to the Father when he was here on earth? What becomes of the Catholic doctrine that the Father and the Son are equal if one is greater than the other?

How would one reconcile the divinity of Christ with his prayer in which he didactically emphasized to his disciples that they should recognize his Father in heaven as the only one true God (John 17:1-3)? Would a God on earth be praying to another God other than himself? If that was the case, one God would be here on earth and another was in heaven - the One whom the God-Man was praying to. The truth is, Jesus prayed to God and was conscious that he was doing the will of the Father (Matthew 26:39).

It is true that God became a man and he retained his divine nature while he was on earth, then why is there a need for  him to be "anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and power? Why would the Scriptures say that "God was with him" if it is true that he was a God on earth? (Acts 10:38).

The Bible does not mention of a divine nature within Christ which comprises the other half of his person. Instead, it emphatically asserts that 'God was in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:19). Jesus Himself said so on numerous occasions (John 10:38; 14:10-11; 17:21). Apostle Peter echoed the same point when said the "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power,  who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him" (Acts 10:38). God, who is a separate entity from Christ, is with him by means of the Holy Spirit.

This fact was also clarified by Peter in his sermon during the day of Pentecost, in which he stressed that "Listen to these words, fellow Israelites! Jesus of Nazareth was a man whose divine authority was clearly proven to you by all the miracles and wonders which God performed through him" (Acts 3:33 TEV). Again, it is not the divine nature of Christ that performed the miracles but God himself, an omnipotent being who is distinct from Christ. It was Him who proved the divine authority of Jesus by the miracles that He performed through him.

If the assertion that the Son is one substance with the Father in regards to his Godhead, then Christ would not have said, "the Father did not leave me alone" (John 8:29). His statement affirms the biblical fact that He and the Father are not of one substance (cf. Luke 24:39). This was reinforced by his admittance that "the Father is greater than I" (John14:28). Would an intelligent mind accept the concept of hypostatic union and disregards these unequivocal statements of Jesus concerning the true God?

Thus, Chalcedonian Christology is a humanly devised hypothesis, and a defective hypothesis cannot be save by dubbing it as a divine mystery.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references were taken from the New King James Version.

Grillmeier Aloys, S.J., Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume 1, Second Revised Edition, translated by John Bowden, John Knox, Anlanta (1975)

Hick, John, The Methaphor of God Incarnate, Christology in a Pluralistic Age, Westminster/John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucy (1993)

Lawler, Ronald, ed., The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults, Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., Huntington, Indiana (1976)

Microsoft® Encarta® Reference® Library 2003). 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved

Scott, Martin J., S.J., Things Catholics Are Asked About, P.J. Kennedy & Sons, New York (1927)

From Joe Ventilacion FB posts

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