Monday, February 06, 2012


Is it true that members of the Church of Christ are forced to tithe or give ten percent of their income which is the reason why they can afford to build such edifices? 
Although there are many religions that practice tithing, the Church of Christ is definite and firm in its stand that such kind of monetary contribution is not what God commands for true Christians.
The truth is, members of the Church of Christ are taught to offer voluntarily according to what their hearts have decided. Even non-members who are studying and observing this Church could testify that the members are never coerce, forced, or manipulated to offer ten percent of their income. The Church member instead faithfully follow God’s commandment to His servants in the Christian Era that says:
“Let each one (give) as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion…” (II Cor. 9:7, The Amplified Bible)
Knowing that the Lord is well pleased by fulfilling this commandment (Heb. 13:16), members of this Church voluntarily and joyfully give their offerings. And it is through these voluntary offerings that the Church is able to do its holy functions like constructing edifices where God expects His people to worship Him:
“I intend to build a great temple, because our God is greater than any other god.
“I am building a temple to honor the lord my God. It will be a holy place where my people and I will worship him…” (II Chron. 2:5, 4, Today’s English Version)
“Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.’” (Isa. 56:7, New King James Version).