Sunday, February 14, 2016


     Among the teachings of the Bible is the worship of Jesus Christ, not because Christ is God but because it is God's commandment that at the same name of Jesus "every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on the glory of the Father" (Phil. 2:10-11). Christ has been placed by God for above all principality, power, might, and dominion, and all things have been put under His feet (Eph. 1:21-22).
     That Christ is not God, although men are commanded to worship Him, is further proven by the biblical teaching that He will be eventually subject all His power and authority to the Father who is the only true God.
     "For the scripture says, 'God put all things under his feet'. It is clear, of course, that the words 'all things' do not include God himself, who puts all things under Christ. But when all things have been placed under Christ's rule, then he himself, the Son, will place himself under God, who placed all things under Him; and God will rule completely over all." (I Cor. 15:27-28, Today's English Version)