Sunday, February 14, 2016


      If we accept the belief that Christ is not a man because He was conceived differently from how ordinary human is being conceived, then we would have to accept that Adam and Eve are also not human beings, for they came to be not through procreation or sexual reproduction.
     The first man, Adam, was created out of dust (Gen. 2:7), the first woman, Eve, from the rib of the first man (Gen. 2:21-23).
     When we say that Christ is "purely human" we do not in any way mean that He is "without spirit". Man according to Apostle Paul, is composed of "spirit, soul and body" (I Thess. 5:23). By the phrase "purely human", we mean that Jesus Christ does not have dual nature-that of a man and that of God. The Bible clearly teaches that man is not God (Ezek. 28:2) and God is not man (Hos. 11:9). Christ declared that He is a man (John 8:40), therefore He is not God.
   Thus, although our Lord Jesus Christ was born out of extraordinary circumstances, the truth remains that He was conceived and created, thus He is not God but man.